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  • Just Gravel is a non-competitive challenge set in the picturesque and iconic Grizedale Forest

  • The event starts and finishes at the Grizedale visitor centre near Satterthwaite - LA220QJ

  • Full directions are on the websiteParking:• Please use the main forestry carparks, there is a day ticket fee-this covers you for the full day

  • Please do not park on verges or adjacent to the visitor centre properties• All monies from parking help to maintain and support the bike trails and visitor facilities​


On Site:

  • Biketreks will be open from 09:30 and will carry some spares, snacks etc

  • Cafe Ambio and the visitor centre will be open for post event food and drink from 10:00

  • Go Ape and other attractions will also be open

  • There are plenty of walks, trails and other attractions in the forest

  • Camping is located 1km away - details on the website


Sign On:

  • Rider sign-on will be open from 08:45 on the Saturday morning adjacent to Biketreks

  • shop - see site map

  • All riders must sign on, get their rider number and read any last minute course updates

  • Please also take the opportunity to preview the course marking examples

  • We will have very limited options for entry on the day


The Course:

  • All routes are on good quality, hard packed and wide gravel tracks

  • Grizedale is hilly, but the rewards are worth it with superb views and fast descents

  • All children must be accompanied at all times on the course


Kit List:

  • Please make sure the your bike is fully working ahead of the event

  • All riders must wear a certified cycle helmet

  • Riders should have minimum spares for their bike: spare tube, pump, tyre levers, chain splitter tool/

  • multitool

  • Please make sure that you have enough drink and snacks for the ride

  • Check the weather in advance and dress accordingly - it can get cold on the higher ground and the

  • descents

  • We recommend carrying a mobile phone for emergencies and will have an event contact number at

  • registration



  • Riders can start at anytime between 09:45 and 10:00

  • The start is near to the sign on and will be clearly marked

  • Riders will need to register their start time with the team before setting off


On Course Support:

  • Our team of marshals will be at points on the course to assist where necessary

  • We encourage all riders to be ‘self-sufficient’ and carry all that they need - see the kit list

  • We will have medical vehicle support throughout the duration of the event

  • The 32/45km courses will have one feed station at around 22km - water, snacks (sweet and savoury)

  • Riders should remain on course at all times as this is where we will focus our event

  • support


Course Marking:

  • The route will be fully signed with black arrows on yellow

  • Any fast or steep descents will be marked

  • Course distances will be marked (16km - Short; 32km - Medium; 45km - Long) - riders are responsible for following the correct signage where courses split

  • GPX files are available from the website for anyone who wishes to use them



  • All riders MUST report to the finish even if they retire

  • At the finish you will receive your finish time and finishers medal

  • Ride times will be posted on the event website afterwards​​​​​​​​​​


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